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- ;*************************************************************************
- ; Title:
- ; UpdateThor
- ;*************************************************************************
- ; Description:
- ; Commodore Installer Script for the Thor 2.1 software
- ;*************************************************************************
- ; Author:
- ; Øyvind Ellefsen - versions for THOR upto 1.22
- ; Petter Nilsen - versions for 1.25 ->
- ;*************************************************************************
- ; Still to do:
- ; - THOR.macros might not be correct. Notify user?
- ; - Handle previous installations with one of the env-vars/assigns
- ; missing.
- ; - Show .readme file
- ; - Not delete catalogs/, only the needed dirs
- ;
- ;*************************************************************************
- ;
- ;******************************************************
- ;******************************************************
- ; some useful variables
- (set true 1)
- (set false 0)
- (set yes true)
- (set no false)
- (set is_a_file 1)
- (set is_a_dir 2)
- (set quote "\"")
- (set newline "\n")
- (set nothing "")
- (set V3_Update no)
- ; set up our delete options
- (delopts "AskUser" "OkNoDelete" "Force")
- ; some useful procedures
- ; change userlevel to expert
- (procedure expert_level
- (
- (user 2)
- )
- )
- ; reset userlevel back to default
- (procedure default_level
- (
- (user default-level)
- )
- )
- ; store off userlevel
- (procedure save_default_level
- (
- (set default-level @user-level)
- )
- )
- ; some overused strings
- (set omp (cat "One moment please..." newline))
- ; introduce ourselfs to the viewers
- (welcome "Welcome to the Thor installer. This installer uses "
- "the Commodore Amiga Installer. All of our future Thor releases "
- "will be using this installer and we would like to get any feedback "
- "that might help to improve the installation procedure." newline
- )
- ; first reset the user level so that the novice can see whats going on
- (save_default_level)
- (expert_level)
- ;Make assign to install from
- (makeassign "Thor_Install" "" (safe))
- ;******************
- ;** Check Memory **
- ;******************
- (run "Avail flush")
- (set Running (run "Thor_Install:CheckForLib"))
- (while (= Running 20)
- ((Message newline "Thor seem to be running, you MUST close it NOW."
- newline "If you don't, the installation will fail!")
- (run "Avail flush")
- (set Running (run "Thor_Install:CheckForLib")))
- )
- ;************************
- ;** Start Installation **
- ;************************
- (if (exists "ENV:THOR/THORPath" (noreq))
- (
- (if (set Thor_Dir (getenv "THOR/THORPath"))
- (
- (set Thor_Dir (substr Thor_Dir 0 (- (strlen Thor_Dir) 1)))
- (set Thor_Dir (expandpath Thor_Dir))
- (set V3_Update yes)
- (makeassign "Thor" Thor_Dir (safe))
- )
- ; Else
- (
- (if (exists "Thor:libs/bbsread.library" (noreq))
- ; Then
- (
- (set Thor_Dir (expandpath "Thor:"))
- )
- ; Else
- (
- (set end_text "Please use the InstallThor script for a first-time installation.")
- (abort end_text))
- )
- )
- )
- )
- ; Else
- (
- (if (exists "Thor:libs/bbsread.library" (noreq))
- ; Then
- (
- (set Thor_Dir (expandpath "Thor:"))
- )
- ; Else
- (
- (set end_text "Please use the InstallThor script for a first-time installation.")
- (abort end_text))
- )
- )
- )
- (if (exists "ENV:THOR/THORPath" (noreq))
- (
- (if (set BBSData_Dir (getenv "THOR/BBSDataPath"))
- (
- (set BBSData_Dir (substr BBSData_Dir 0 (- (strlen BBSData_Dir) 1)))
- (set BBSData_Dir (expandpath BBSData_Dir))
- (set V3_Update yes)
- (makeassign "BBSData" BBSData_Dir (safe))
- )
- ; Else
- (
- (if (exists "BBSData:global.config" (noreq))
- ; Then
- (
- (set BBSData_Dir (expandpath "BBSData:"))
- )
- ; Else
- (
- (set end_text "Please use the InstallThor script for a first-time installation.")
- (abort end_text))
- )
- )
- )
- )
- ; Else
- (
- (if (exists "BBSData:global.config" (noreq))
- ; Then
- (
- (set BBSData_Dir (expandpath "BBSData:"))
- )
- ; Else
- (
- (set end_text "Please use the InstallThor script for a first-time installation.")
- (abort end_text))
- )
- )
- )
- ;**********************************************
- ;** Move ARexx scripts to another directory..**
- ;**********************************************
- (if (askbool
- (prompt
- "The THOR ARexx script distribution has changed. "
- "The old directory with ARexx scripts can be moved "
- "to a Rexx_Old directory. \n\n"
- "Press 'Yes' to continue with backup of old ARexx scripts.")
- (help
- "The installer has determined that you may already have a "
- "copy of Thor installed on your system. "
- "ARexx files from a previous installation can be moved to "
- "a safe directory."
- )
- (default 1)
- )
- ; Then
- (
- (makedir "THOR:Rexx_Old")
- (copyfiles
- (source "Thor:rexx")
- (dest "THOR:rexx_old")
- (all)
- )
- (working omp "Deleting old ARexx files...")
- (run "Delete THOR:rexx/~(postinglists|#?.cfg|#?.adr) all")
- )
- )
- ;**********************************************
- ;** Hostile deletion of old files here.. ******
- ;**********************************************
- (expert_level)
- (if (= V3_Update no)
- (
- (if (askbool
- (prompt "Several old files left over from the the THOR 1.x" newline
- "releases are now obsolete and should be deleted." newline
- "This applies to the following directories: " newline
- "THOR:bin, THOR:s, THOR:libs and THOR:Scripts. " newline
- "If you have made any ARexx-scripts for Thor 1.xx,\n"
- "they might not work anymore. Check out the new\n"
- "ARexx-documentation and change your scripts accordingly.\n\n"
- "You might want to make a backup of personal files " newline
- "before proceeding." newline
- "Press 'Yes' to continue with deletion of obsolete files")
- (help
- "The installer has determined that you may already have a "
- "copy of Thor installed on your system. "
- "Several files have changed and should be deleted since they "
- "will not function correctly with this release of THOR. "
- )
- (default 1)
- )
- ; Then
- (
- (run "Delete THOR:ThorStat#?")
- (run "Delete THOR:THOR.history")
- (run "Delete THOR:libs/#?")
- (run "Delete THOR:bin/#?")
- (run "Delete THOR:s/#?")
- (run "Delete THOR:Scripts/#?")
- (run "Delete THOR:#?guide#?")
- (run "Delete THOR:THOR")
- (run "Rename THOR:THOR.info THOR:THOR.old.info")
- (run "Delete THOR:THOR.info")
- (run "Delete libs:bbsread.library")
- )
- )
- )
- )
- ; Else
- ;(
- ; (if (askbool
- ; (prompt
- ; "Due to a problem with MultiUser filesystem, "
- ; "old files must be deleted before installing "
- ; "the new files. This is not needed if you do not "
- ; "run this filesystem on the partition THOR is "
- ; "installed on. Please take a backup of any personal ARexx "
- ; "scripts you might have made before selecting 'Yes' here.\n\n"
- ; "Press 'Yes' to continue with deletion of old files.")
- ; (help
- ; "The installer has determined that you may already have a "
- ; "copy of Thor installed on your system. "
- ; "Old files from a previous installation must be deleted "
- ; "if you are running the MultiUser filesystem on the "
- ; "partition THOR is installed on."
- ; )
- ; (default 1)
- ; )
- ; ; Then
- ; (
- ; (run "Delete THOR:ThorStat#?")
- ; (run "Delete THOR:THOR.history")
- ; (run "Delete THOR:libs/#?")
- ; (run "Delete THOR:l/#?")
- ; (run "Delete THOR:docs/#?")
- ; (run "Delete THOR:bin/#?")
- ; (run "Delete THOR:s/#?")
- ; (run "Delete THOR:unix/#?")
- ; (run "Delete THOR:rexx/~(postinglists) all")
- ; (run "Delete THOR:Scripts/#?")
- ; (run "Delete THOR:#?guide#?")
- ; (run "Delete THOR:THOR")
- ; (run "Rename THOR:THOR.info THOR:THOR.old.info")
- ; (run "Delete THOR:ConfigTHOR")
- ; (run "Rename THOR:ConfigTHOR.info THOR:ConfigTHOR.old.info")
- ; (run "Delete THOR:ConnectTHOR")
- ; (run "Rename THOR:ConnectTHOR.info THOR:ConnectTHOR.old.info")
- ; )
- ; )
- ;)
- (run "Rename THOR:THOR.info THOR:THOR.old.info")
- (run "Rename THOR:ConfigTHOR.info THOR:ConfigTHOR.old.info")
- (run "Rename THOR:ConnectTHOR.info THOR:ConnectTHOR.old.info")
- (run "Delete libs:bbsread.library")
- (run "Delete libs:bbsreadcnv2.library")
- (run "Delete libs:utgui.library")
- (run "Delete l:bbsread-handler")
- (run "Delete l:bbsreadrexx-handler")
- (run "Delete THOR:bin/initsoup")
- (run "Delete THOR:bin/configuucp")
- ;******************
- ;** Locale stuff **
- ;******************
- (default_level)
- (set catalog
- (askoptions
- (prompt "What languages would you like to install ?\n"
- "English is the built-in language.")
- (help
- "This will install locale files for other languages than English. "
- "You can set the prefered language on Workbench and in Thor by"
- "using the prefs:locale tool." newline @askchoice-help
- )
- (choices "Norsk" "Dansk" "Svenska" "Deutsch")
- (default 0)
- )
- )
- ; Delete previous installed catalog files.
- (if (= V3_Update yes)
- (
- (run "delete thor:catalogs all")
- )
- )
- (makedir "thor:catalogs")
- (if (bitand 1 catalog)
- (copyfiles
- (source "Thor_Install:catalogs/norsk")
- (dest "thor:catalogs/norsk")
- (all)
- )
- )
- (if (bitand 2 catalog)
- (copyfiles
- (source "Thor_Install:catalogs/dansk")
- (dest "thor:catalogs/dansk")
- (all)
- )
- )
- (if (bitand 4 catalog)
- (copyfiles
- (source "Thor_Install:catalogs/svenska")
- (dest "thor:catalogs/svenska")
- (all)
- )
- )
- (if (bitand 8 catalog)
- (copyfiles
- (source "Thor_Install:catalogs/deutsch")
- (dest "thor:catalogs/deutsch")
- (all)
- )
- )
- ;***********************************
- ;***** GET FIRST DISK IN HERE ******
- ;***********************************
- ; first copy over the stuff
- (working omp "Decompressing and copying Thor files.")
- (run "Thor_Install:lha -a x Thor_Install:thor.lha THOR:" )
- ;*********************
- ;** reqtools.libary **
- ;*********************
- (copylib
- (prompt "Copying ReqTools library")
- (help "This will copy the ReqTools library." newline @copylib-help)
- (source "Thor_Install:reqtools.library")
- (dest "libs:")
- )
- ;************************
- ;** Copy the keyfile **
- ;************************
- (if (exists "Thor_Install:THOR.key" (noreq))
- ; Then
- (copyfiles
- (source "Thor_Install:THOR.key")
- (dest "THOR:")
- )
- )
- ;**********************************************
- ;* Convert the database to the new 2.0 format *
- ;**********************************************
- (run "thor:bin/InitCharsets")
- (expert_level)
- (if (= V3_Update no)
- (
- (message newline "The installer will now convert and upgrade the "
- newline "message database to the new 2.0 format."
- newline "This might take some time, so please be patient.")
- (run "Avail flush")
- (set Running (run "Thor:bin/basemanager convert >con:0/0/640/200/Converting/AUTO/CLOSE/WAIT"))
- (if (<> 0 Running)
- (
- ((set end_text "Conversion of your old database failed." newline "Please take notice of the error message shown.")
- (abort end_text)))
- )
- )
- (set failed (run "thor:bin/initarc"))
- (if (<> 0 failed)
- (
- ((set end_text "Installation failed.\nIf you received any error message,\nplease write this down and send us\na mail about the problem.")
- (abort end_text))
- )
- )
- )
- (if (exists "Thor_Install:bin/parseqwk" (noreq))
- ; Then
- (
- (set bbspack 1)
- )
- ; Else
- (
- (if (askbool
- (prompt newline
- "Would you like to install the modules for "
- "QWK, Fido, Hippo, Bluewave, ABBS/MBBS and Omen "
- "to be used with Bulletin Board Systems?\n\n "
- "(you will be able to select which modules to "
- "install later in this installtions procedure).")
- (help newline
- "This section of the installation is dedicated "
- "to installation of some common formats "
- "required if you want to use THOR with BBSes.\n\n"
- "Select YES if you want to continue with this "
- "installation, otherwise NO")
- (default 1)
- )
- ; Then
- (
- (set bbsfile
- (askfile
- (prompt
- "Please select the BBS archive for THOR 2.2. "
- "(Usually named 'thor22_bbs.lha').\n\n"
- "It will be unarchived automatically.")
- (help @askfile-help)
- (default "sys:")
- )
- )
- ; verify that the file exists
- (if (exists bbsfile)
- (
- (set runfile (cat runfile "Thor_Install:lha -a x " quote bbsfile quote " Thor_Install:"))
- (set failed (run runfile))
- (if (<> 0 failed)
- (
- ((set failed_text "Unarchiving of the BBS archive failed.")
- (message end_text)))
- )
- ; Else
- (
- (set bbspack 1)
- )
- )
- )
- )
- )
- )
- )
- (if (exists "Thor_Install:bin/gettcp" (noreq))
- ; Then
- (
- (set inetpack 1)
- )
- ; Else
- (
- (if (askbool
- (prompt newline
- "Would you like to install the modules for "
- "to be used with Internet?\n\n"
- "(you will be able to select which modules to "
- "install later in this installtions procedure).")
- (help newline
- "This section of the installation is dedicated "
- "to installation of some common formats "
- "required if you want to use THOR with Internet.\n\n"
- "Select YES if you want to continue with this "
- "installation, otherwise NO")
- (default 1)
- )
- ; Then
- (
- (set inetfile
- (askfile
- (prompt
- "Please select the Internet archive for THOR 2.2\n"
- "(Usually named 'thor22_inet.lha').\n\n"
- "It will be unarchived automatically."
- (help @askfile-help)
- (default "sys:")
- )
- )
- )
- ; verify that the file exists
- (if (exists inetfile)
- (
- (set runfile2 (cat runfile2 "Thor_Install:lha -a x " quote inetfile quote " Thor_Install:"))
- (set failed (run runfile2))
- (if (<> 0 failed)
- (
- ((set failed_text "Unarchiving of the Internet archive failed.")
- (message end_text)))
- )
- ; Else
- (
- (set inetpack 1)
- )
- )
- )
- )
- )
- )
- )
- (if (= bbspack 1)
- (
- (set bbs_type
- (askoptions
- (prompt
- "Please select which BBS modules "
- "you want to install.")
- (help
- "What system type for BBS usage that should be "
- "installed can be selected here."
- )
- (choices
- "QWK - Normal QWK"
- "Fido - Normal Fidonet"
- "BlueWave - Normal BlueWave"
- "ABBS - Normal ABBS"
- "ABBS_QWK - ABBS with QWK support"
- "MBBS - Normal MBBS"
- "Hippo/BBBS - Normal Hippo V2 and Hippo on BBBS"
- "Omen - Normal Omen"
- )
- (default 512)
- )
- )
- (copyfiles
- (source "Thor_Install:scripts")
- (dest "THOR:scripts")
- (pattern "#?BBS#?")
- )
- (if (bitand 1 bbs_type)
- (
- (copyfiles
- (source "Thor_Install:bin")
- (dest "THOR:bin")
- (pattern "#?QWK")
- )
- (copyfiles
- (source "Thor_Install:s/cfgqwk")
- (dest "THOR:s")
- )
- (execute "thor:s/cfgqwk")
- )
- )
- (if (bitand 2 bbs_type)
- (
- (copyfiles
- (source "Thor_Install:bin")
- (dest "THOR:bin")
- (pattern "#?FIDO")
- )
- (copyfiles
- (source "Thor_Install:s/cfgfido")
- (dest "THOR:s")
- )
- (execute "thor:s/cfgfido")
- )
- )
- (if (bitand 4 bbs_type)
- (
- (copyfiles
- (source "Thor_Install:bin")
- (dest "THOR:bin")
- (pattern "#?BLUE")
- )
- (copyfiles
- (source "Thor_Install:s/cfgblue")
- (dest "THOR:s")
- )
- (execute "thor:s/cfgblue")
- )
- )
- (if (bitand 8 bbs_type)
- (
- (copyfiles
- (source "Thor_Install:bin/packambbs")
- (dest "THOR:bin")
- )
- (copyfiles
- (source "Thor_Install:bin/parsemsg")
- (dest "THOR:bin")
- )
- (copyfiles
- (source "Thor_Install:s/cfgabbs")
- (dest "THOR:s")
- )
- (execute "thor:s/cfgabbs")
- )
- )
- (if (bitand 16 bbs_type)
- (
- (copyfiles
- (source "Thor_Install:bin")
- (dest "THOR:bin")
- (pattern "#?QWK")
- )
- (copyfiles
- (source "Thor_Install:s/cfgabbs_qwk")
- (dest "THOR:s")
- )
- (execute "thor:s/cfgabbs_qwk")
- )
- )
- (if (bitand 32 bbs_type)
- (
- (copyfiles
- (source "Thor_Install:bin/packambbs")
- (dest "THOR:bin")
- )
- (copyfiles
- (source "Thor_Install:bin/parsemsg")
- (dest "THOR:bin")
- )
- (copyfiles
- (source "Thor_Install:s/cfgmbbs")
- (dest "THOR:s")
- )
- (execute "thor:s/cfgmbbs")
- )
- )
- (if (bitand 64 bbs_type)
- (
- (copyfiles
- (source "Thor_Install:bin")
- (dest "THOR:bin")
- (pattern "#?hippo")
- )
- (copyfiles
- (source "Thor_Install:s/cfghippo")
- (dest "THOR:s")
- )
- (copyfiles
- (source "Thor_Install:s/cfgbbbs")
- (dest "THOR:s")
- )
- (execute "thor:s/cfghippo")
- (execute "thor:s/cfgbbbs")
- )
- )
- (if (bitand 128 bbs_type)
- (
- (copyfiles
- (source "Thor_Install:bin")
- (dest "THOR:bin")
- (pattern "#?omen")
- )
- (copyfiles
- (source "Thor_Install:s/cfgomen")
- (dest "THOR:s")
- )
- (execute "thor:s/cfgomen")
- )
- )
- )
- )
- (if (= inetpack 1)
- (
- (set bbs_type
- (askoptions
- (prompt
- "Please select which Internet modules "
- "you want to install.")
- (help
- "What system type for Internet usage that should be "
- "installed can be selected here."
- )
- (choices
- "SOUP/UQWK_SOUP - Normal SOUP and SOUP w/uqwk"
- "UUCP - Normal UUCP"
- )
- (default 7)
- )
- )
- (copyfiles
- (source "Thor_Install:libs/utnet.library")
- (dest "THOR:libs")
- )
- (copyfiles
- (source "Thor_Install:bin/InitRFC")
- (dest "THOR:bin")
- )
- (copyfiles
- (source "Thor_Install:scripts")
- (dest "THOR:scripts")
- (pattern "#?UQWK#?")
- )
- (if (bitand 1 bbs_type)
- (
- (copyfiles
- (source "Thor_Install:bin")
- (dest "THOR:bin")
- (pattern "#?TCP")
- )
- (copyfiles
- (source "Thor_Install:")
- (dest "THOR:")
- (pattern "ConnectTHOR#?")
- )
- (copyfiles
- (source "Thor_Install:s/cfgtcp")
- (dest "THOR:s")
- )
- (copyfiles
- (source "Thor_Install:s/cfgtcp_online")
- (dest "THOR:s")
- )
- (execute "thor:s/cfgtcp")
- (execute "thor:s/cfgtcp_online")
- )
- )
- (if (bitand 2 bbs_type)
- (
- (copyfiles
- (source "Thor_Install:bin")
- (dest "THOR:bin")
- (pattern "#?SOUP")
- )
- (copyfiles
- (source "Thor_Install:s")
- (dest "THOR:s")
- (pattern "#?soup")
- )
- (makedir "THOR:unix")
- (copyfiles
- (source "Thor_Install:unix")
- (dest "THOR:unix")
- (all)
- )
- (execute "thor:s/cfguqwk_soup")
- (execute "thor:s/cfgsoup")
- )
- )
- (if (bitand 4 bbs_type)
- (
- (copyfiles
- (source "Thor_Install:bin")
- (dest "THOR:bin")
- (pattern "#?UUCP")
- )
- (copyfiles
- (source "Thor_Install:s/cfguucp")
- (dest "THOR:s")
- )
- (execute "thor:s/cfguucp")
- )
- )
- )
- )
- ;*********************************************
- ;** Copy configfiles from BBSDATA: to THOR: **
- ;*********************************************
- (if (= V3_Update no)
- (
- (run "copy bbsdata:visual.config thor:visual.config")
- (run "copy bbsdata:global.config thor:global.config")
- (run "copy bbsdata:fse.config thor:fse.config")
- )
- )
- ;***********
- ;** Fonts **
- ;***********
- (if (= V3_Update no)
- (
- (copyfiles
- (prompt "Choose the fonts to install with Thor" newline "These are not required for Thor to run" )
- (help "This will copy the default font files for Thor." newline @copyfiles-help)
- (source "Thor_Install:Fonts")
- (dest "Fonts:")
- (fonts)
- (choices "Grn" "Thin609" "Thin611" "Thin711")
- (confirm)
- )
- )
- )
- ;*****************************
- ;****** Install icons ********
- ;*****************************
- (set icon
- (askchoice
- (prompt
- "Please select what icon-set to install with THOR.\n")
- (help
- "If you use MagicWB on your Workbench, "
- "you might want to install the special MagicWB icons.\n\n"
- "Likewise, if you use NewIcons on your Workbench, "
- "you might want to install the special NewIcons icons.")
- (choices "Normal icons" "MagicWB icons" "NewIcons icons")
- (default 0)
- )
- )
- (if (= icon 1)
- (
- (copyfiles
- (prompt "Copying MagicWB icon files")
- (source "Thor_Install:MWBIcons")
- (dest "Thor:")
- (pattern "~(THOR.guide.info)")
- (nogauge)
- )
- (copyfiles
- (prompt "Copying MagicWB icon files")
- (source "Thor_Install:MWBIcons/THOR.guide.info")
- (dest "Thor:Docs")
- (newname "THOR.guide.info")
- (nogauge)
- )
- (copyfiles
- (prompt "Copying MagicWB icon files")
- (source "Thor_Install:MWBIcons/THOR.guide.info")
- (dest "Thor:Docs")
- (newname "ConfigTHOR.guide.info")
- (nogauge)
- )
- (copyfiles
- (prompt "Copying MagicWB icon files")
- (source "Thor_Install:MWBIcons/THOR.guide.info")
- (dest "Thor:Docs")
- (newname "ARexx.guide.info")
- (nogauge)
- )
- (copyfiles
- (prompt "Copying MagicWB icon files")
- (source "Thor_Install:MWBIcons/THOR.guide.info")
- (dest "Thor:Docs")
- (newname "BBSReadRexx.guide.info")
- (nogauge)
- )
- (copyfiles
- (prompt "Copying MagicWB icon files")
- (source "Thor_Install:MWBIcons/THOR.guide.info")
- (dest "Thor:Docs")
- (newname "THOR_Rexx.guide.info")
- (nogauge)
- )
- (copyfiles
- (prompt "Copying MagicWB icon files")
- (source "Thor_Install:MWBIcons/THOR.guide.info")
- (dest "Thor:Docs")
- (newname "Installation.guide.info")
- (nogauge)
- )
- )
- )
- (if (= icon 2)
- (
- (copyfiles
- (prompt "Copying NewIcons icon files")
- (source "Thor_Install:NewIcons")
- (dest "Thor:")
- (pattern "~(THOR.guide.info)")
- (nogauge)
- )
- (copyfiles
- (prompt "Copying NewIcons icon files")
- (source "Thor_Install:NewIcons/THOR.guide.info")
- (dest "Thor:Docs")
- (newname "THOR.guide.info")
- (nogauge)
- )
- (copyfiles
- (prompt "Copying NewIcons icon files")
- (source "Thor_Install:NewIcons/THOR.guide.info")
- (dest "Thor:Docs")
- (newname "ConfigTHOR.guide.info")
- (nogauge)
- )
- (copyfiles
- (prompt "Copying NewIcons icon files")
- (source "Thor_Install:NewIcons/THOR.guide.info")
- (dest "Thor:Docs")
- (newname "ARexx.guide.info")
- (nogauge)
- )
- (copyfiles
- (prompt "Copying NewIcons icon files")
- (source "Thor_Install:NewIcons/THOR.guide.info")
- (dest "Thor:Docs")
- (newname "BBSReadRexx.guide.info")
- (nogauge)
- )
- (copyfiles
- (prompt "Copying NewIcons icon files")
- (source "Thor_Install:NewIcons/THOR.guide.info")
- (dest "Thor:Docs")
- (newname "THOR_Rexx.guide.info")
- (nogauge)
- )
- (copyfiles
- (prompt "Copying NewIcons icon files")
- (source "Thor_Install:NewIcons/THOR.guide.info")
- (dest "Thor:Docs")
- (newname "Installation.guide.info")
- (nogauge)
- )
- )
- )
- (if (exists "env:sys/def_drawer.info" (noreq))
- (copyfiles
- (prompt "Copying default drawer icon")
- (help "This will copy the default drawer icon." newline @copyfiles-help)
- (source "env:sys/def_drawer.info")
- (dest "Thor:")
- (newname "Docs.info")
- (infos)
- )
- )
- ;*****************************
- ;***** WE ARE ALMOST DONE ****
- ;*****************************
- ; make sure that default-dir is pointing to the right place
- (set @default-dest Thor_Dir)
- ; final message for our viewers
- (set end_text (cat "Hope you like THOR! Don't hesitate to "
- "send us comments, bugreports and suggestions."))
- (makeassign "Thor_Install")
- (if (= V3_Update yes)
- (
- (makeassign "BBSData")
- )
- )
- ; now for the exit
- (exit end_text)